Riva VX - Rich Video Authoring for Utility Films
Riva VX is a professional Authoring-Solution to enrich Videos with Hyperlinks and Interactivity. �VX� stands for this new kind of Video Experience.
Give your viewers freedom and options to view your video-content. Let users decide on what they are going to see next. Let them also decide on what additional information should be screened or what kind of action or event they want to start.
Riva opens new ways of knowledge-on-demand, entertainment, commercials, enterprise communications and e-commerce. A maximum of interaction for users with a minimum of effort for production, without programming.
Content is available to each computer prepared for the ubiquitous FlashPlayer*.
- Users interact longer with your content, they can explore and decide on what they see
- Quickest possible creation of complex interactive content for online and offline
- Free links to e.g. databases and e-commerce-solutions
immediate start of videos because of "progressive" and "streaming" video-technique
- Content viewable on 97% of all internet-enabled PCs
- Videos usable cross platform and -browser
- Highest flexibility choosing quality of picture and bandwidth needed
- Useable on Web, CD or DVD without changes
- Videos can be deployed by standard webservers � without additional technology
- "Office-Skills" sufficient for user and author
* FlashPlayer is a registered Trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.